Add a Guardian
Premium Feature
This is a Seraph Secure Premium feature. Learn more.
What is a guardian?
A guardian is a trusted person you can add to a Seraph Secure account that will be notified in real time if a scam threat is detected.
You can have up to two guardians on your Seraph Secure account. The account holder and any assigned guardians will receive an email and, optionally, a text message whenever there is a threat detected on one of your devices.
How to add a guardian to your account:
1) From your Account Dashboard, click on Profile in the upper right corner and then select Guardians on the navigation bar.
2) Fill in the guardian's name and email, then click the Add Guardian button. The guardian will be sent an invitation email. Note: the guardian will show as pending until they click Confirm in the invitation email.
3) When the guardian clicks Confirm in the email, they will be taken to their guardian dashboard where they can set up a phone number if they want to receive text message notifications.