Uninstall Seraph Secure

You can uninstall Seraph Secure from within the Seraph Secure application itself:

  • Open the main application window by clicking on the Seraph Secure shield icon in the Windows system tray - this is located at the bottom right of your screen near the clock. You may need to click (^) "Show hidden icons" first.

  • From the main "Device Protection Running" window, click on ☰ Menu (top right) and choose About Seraph Secure

  • In the About Seraph Secure window, click the Uninstall Seraph Secure button

  • If you are using the Premium version of Seraph Secure, you will need to enter your Admin PIN. This can be found on the Profile page of your dashboard: https://www.seraphsecure.com/dashboard/profile/admin-pin

  • Check "I understand I am removing protection from this device" and click the Uninstall now button

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