Uninstall Seraph Secure
You can uninstall Seraph Secure from within the Seraph Secure application itself:
Open the main application window by clicking on the Seraph Secure shield icon in the Windows system tray - this is located at the bottom right of your screen near the clock. You may need to click (^) "Show hidden icons" first.
From the main "Device Protection Running" window, click on ☰ Menu (top right) and choose About Seraph Secure
In the About Seraph Secure window, click the Uninstall Seraph Secure button
If you are using the Premium version of Seraph Secure, you will need to enter your Admin PIN. This can be found on the Profile page of your dashboard: https://www.seraphsecure.com/dashboard/profile/admin-pin
Check "I understand I am removing protection from this device" and click the Uninstall now button